

When it comes to celeb dating and them being selective about it Taylor Swift might come up cause non of her relationship lasts that long but when it comes to dating rules miley Cyrus should come to your head here is why.
According to Heat magazine, Miley has a list of intense rules
for her men-to-be while out on dates. Apparently her assistant arranges what the guy must wear, do, and talk
about on the date. She's also not into flowers, so he's
banned from bringing her those.
There's more. The men she goes out with must stay two
feet away from her on the first date, and can't show any sort
of PDA. Forget a phone or camera on the date, too.
The twerking queen doesn't want any average Joe, either.
Her guy must "be a drop-dead model-worthy, six-pack-
owning hunk."
Do you think Miley's dating rules are a little cray? What are
your must-haves for potential lovers?

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